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Development Log

Release Notes [v2.0.0]

New Features

  • Management and Decision Tables: Improved Management adaptation user interface
  • New Portable Project structure.
  • Parallel Calibration: You can now use up to 192 processes to run calibration using any calibration method. This depends on the capability of your computer.
  • KGE now added to list of available bjective functions for calibration.
  • Parallel Sensitivity Analysis: You can now use up to 192 processes to run sensitivity analysis using any selected sensitivity analysis method.
  • New Objective Funtions for Sensitivity Analysis: You can check the ranking of your parameters using different objective functions after you have already made the sensitivity runs.
  • New Calibration Method: CALSI is a new brute force style calibration method which also gives fine grained control in how it is executed. Refer to the CALSI documentation for more details (
  • Enhanced in-built update system for reliable update delvery.
  • Ability to Export Charts has been added.


  • Added GW flow support - calibration, sensitivity analysis (you need to use revision 61)
  • Added batch addition of parameters in the parameters section (you can add comonly used parameters and remove the ones you do not want or change ranges as needed).
  • SWAT Checking now works for NAM HUC8 Models
  • Added linking of SWAT+ Editor Database and SWAT+ Toolbox Project with a prompt to either open linked project or set up a new project.
  • Fixed bug in codes.bsn if GW-flow is used

For Questions and discussions:
For feedback and bug reports:


  • Better UI responsiveness for demanding tasks

Past Developments

Patch notes [June 9, 2024]

  • Added GW flow support - calibration, sensitivity analysis (you need to use revision 61)
  • Added batch addition of parameters in the parameters section (you can add comonly used parameters and remove the ones you do not want or change ranges as needed).
  • SWAT Checking now works for NAM HUC8 Models

Patch notes [June 3, 2024]

  • Enhanced compatibility with the US NAM model
  • Note: SWAT Checking not working yet for NAM.

Patch notes [May 31, 2024]

  • Bug fixes when using custom Land Use.
  • Changed Update TempDirectory to mitigate permissions issues.

Patch notes [May 28, 2024]

You can now view management events that happened under each HRU during simulation. Go to Model Checks -> plants [double click on hru]

Bug fixes [May 27, 2024]

  • Dissalow adding empty or unreadable files
  • Notify when there are three or more columns
  • Prompt to replace empty values by -99 or -999
  • Allow removal of corrupted or missing files

Past Bug Fixes

  • Use of Map in Observation and Parameters sections has Improved
  • Lating-Hypercube OFAT sensitivity method now does not crash due to mismatch in sample sizes.
  • Automatic Calibration has a new interface with better tracking of calibration progress.